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Hungarian M38 WWII Steel Helmet

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  • Regular price $109.95
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This is a rare chance to own a genuine WWII M38 Hungarian made German type M35 helmet for far less than a German manufactured wartime one. There is simply no comparison to a genuine combat helmet! These WWII helmet stocks are from the government of Finland and are 100% genuine WWII issue Hungarian M38.In WWII Hungary was an ally of Germany. The Germans allowed and assisted the Hungarians in copying their design of the M35 steel helmet. Therefore, the WWII produced M38 Hungarian steel helmet is nearly identical to the German WWII M35. Both have the same shape, riveted ventilation holes and the classic rolled edge.

The minor differences between the M38 helmet and the German M35 was the liner system, liner pin position, as well as the addition of a small horizontal rectangular carrying hook above the back brim of the Hungarian helmet used to attach the helmet to a backpack when on the move.The Model 1938 Hungarian helmet was one of the most common types used by the Finnish Army during the Continuation War of 1941-44. The Finns originally wanted to acquire the German M35 during the Winter War of 1939-40 to supplement their old stock of German WWI M17 & M18 helmets, however the German government refused the order and sent it to the Hungarians instead. 

Apparently this was done for political reasons as the Germans were technically still “allied" to the Soviets (who the Finns were fighting) during the Winter War of 1939-40. Though the order was placed in December 1939, the first helmet wasn 't shipped until after the end of the Winter War in March 1940, which is why they were used extensively during the Continuation War of 1941-44.The companies that manufactured the M38 were Mavag of Budapest, Weiss of Csepel, and Gyori Vaggon-es Gepgyar. We believe that all these shells have maker and shell size markings stamped to the inside of the brim. 

However, because these helmets have been painted and repainted (in some cases, multiple times) it is impossible to see if each one is marked without using paint stripper or a wire wheel.The leather liners and chinstraps are a mix; many were made in Finland for the Finnish army after WWII.   Some, however, may have the original Hungarian made leather liner. Liners also vary in form from a Finnish M55 style to a German M35 style to a WWI three sided style.  Choose from liner sizes 7, 7-1/4  and 7-3/8.Styles and colors (Field Grey, Field Green) may vary slightly.

Each helmet is offered in good to very good condition, but will show storage wear, minor paint chips and scratches and occasionally a small ding, but all are free of major dents or imperfections. These are real military helmets that were used by actual soldiers in the defense of their country. Additionally the Finnish Army used some of these helmets from WWII up until the early 1970s.

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